Monday, July 28, 2008

Week of madness!

Well, the time seems to be flying by (hence the name of the blog!) and we have had so much going on over the last few days!!! We went to see Circus Quirkus last week, it was hilarious and the kids had a ball (thanks Laura!). It was great to see them happy and laughing.

The boys are in Perth for their appointments, I am work work working and there is no end of paperwork. On the up side, Peter's brother Danny and nephew Brayden came down from Busselton to visit over the weekend and the kids had a ball. They just love their Uncle Danny and they were attached at the hip to Brayden the whole time they were here.

I am hoping to get on top of all this work soon and for it not to be such a mad panic next time the boys head to Perth (good luck with that! They head up on the 12th Aug for scan week and Anika's parties are on 16th and 17th Aug). Anika's birthday will hopefully be a welcome distraction to the waiting for scan results as it is always such a tough time. It's even worse this time though knowing it will not be good news.

A quick note to Fee, Jason, Kody and the incredible Miss Immie to say I hope you had a great time on your first plane trip Immie and in Melbourne! Looking forward to seeing the pics soon!!!

All my love to Ree, Dean and Kai, thinking about you every single hour of every day and remembering your precious boy.

Happy travelling,


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