Thursday, March 12, 2009

Gearing up for Chemo

Over the last week Josh has still been feeling...pretty crap. Not exactly fantastic stuff considering he was due to start chemo again on this Monday. His haemoglobin has been hovering at 91 where it still is (normal is 115 to 145) so too low for a transfusion but just low enough for the nausea and lethargy to hit. Still on the same pain meds but has complained off and on about leg/ankle and rib pain though not too severe.

I put my shoulder and back out badly - again, *groan*.

This week we have hung out at Grannys and Grandmas and had a special outing on Tuesday. We went to visit Granny at work and had a very yummy lunch at the tearooms where it was nice and quiet so the kids had a walk in the gardens with Gran. They had been asking to go there for ages so it was the perfect excuse. Grandma booked a ride on a horse drawn wagon through a vineyard with a stop for tea and damper and a historic commentary on the history of the area. The kids loved the excitement and the horse, I loved the wine tasting but we did not love the bloody heat that day!!! It was really nice and laid back and I realised how much I miss being around horses ie. a LOT.

I cut all my hair off on the weekend and dyed it bright purple (serves Peter right for leaving me on my own most of the night!) for something different. It made my arms ache like mad cutting the back and as a result it is a lot longer than I intended and quite uneven!

I had a great night at Laura's last night at the non-Nutrimetics party (it never eventuated as the hostess was sick) so we played Pictionary - Laura and I kicked butt again - and talked. Thanks chicken for being the best friend I could ask for and always listening. For those who don't know, yesterday was just a generally crap day with cleaning, washing, shopping, blah blah blah. The photo I was sent while I limped down the grocery isles with my bloody decrepit sore back of Immie celebrating the end of her scan made me smile tho, thanks Fee, miss you guys. XXX Please pray for great scan results for Immie and a smooth pregnancy for Fee. I am so excited for them!

Check out Nurse Rochelle's Shave For the Kids blog. What a superstar! She isn't just a brilliant nurse and all round great chick, she also shaved her head to raise money to buy a new feed pump and pulse oximeter for the ward. What a sweetheart. I have visited her blog a few times and messaged and it is nice to be able to keep a link to the people up there we care about when we are so far away!

Love, hugs and sloppy Fudgey kisses,


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